Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a more efficient and effective form of psychic and physiological rest and rejuvenation than conventional sleep. Yoga Nidra offers the potential to sleep and dream consciously which allows people to find amazing restorative benefits. Those who practice may find greater inspiration, peace and achievement in their lives.

Yoga Nidra is practiced in a style similar to guided meditation in that we are encouraging great relaxation. We are also offering the potential to evolve our whole personality and lay aside old habits and tendencies.

Sessions are 40 – 50 minutes long. You will find a comfortable lying or sitting so that you can remain relatively still and quiet for the whole yoga nidra ‘meditation’. You will be taken on a journey that allows you to tune in to your breath, your body, your intentions, the space around you, sounds, awareness of sensations, inner space, visualizations and a gentle return to the present.

The more often you practice the more that becomes available to you on your journey in Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra can also be included in Yoga and Bodywork sessions.